Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A-Z notes

A for Adelia
B for Bighead Shamus
C for Cara
D for Dominic
E for Eiffel
F for Fiqah
G for Gwen
H for Happy Jere
I for Irfan
J for Joy Cheryl
K for Kelvin
L for Little Miss Cassie
M for Marcus Pravin
N for Norimah
O for Orathai
P for Previn
Q for Quarintined Elfi
R for Raymond
S for SuperGay Elfi
T for Tun Zen
U for U are the best
V for Very Cool Bro Zul
W for George
X for Xeo
Y for Yana
Z for Zoeyee

to be continued...

haha... :)